Young people / Portuguese

Improve your child academic achievement !

Young people Academic support PT

Your child is aged 13 to 17 years ?
You wish he / she learns a new language or improve academic achievement ?

Prolingua is here to help!

Quote request

Fees on request : please contact us for a personalised offer.


Evaluate your language level

What language level do you think you have?

Our FREE ONLINE TEST helps you determine your language level, with no obligation to enroll in a course. This test is an indication of your level in order to direct you to the course best suited to your needs. It has no official value and does not constitute a certifying exercise!

Access the test
Prolingua Language Centre S.A. Sprooche léieren. Sprooche liewen.
45a, Avenue Monterey L-2163 Luxembourg Mo-Fri: 08:30 – 18:30 (17:00 on Fridays)
+352 40 39 91-0