Privacy Policy

As of 25th May, the European General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data (GDPR) has come into effect. 

Prolingua is therefore required to make every effort to protect all the personal information and data you provided us when registering for one of our courses.

For communication reasons and to facilitate the management of your training history with Prolingua Language Center SA, we gather the following information :

  • Your first and last name
  • Your date of birth (So we can avoid problems due students with identical names)
  • Your email address
    So that we can send you 
    • your course timetable,
    • the invoice for your course,
    • the end-of-course certificate,
    • Important information such as changes to your timetable or a teacher absence,
    • our newsletter. (The newsletter is sent using Mailchimp. If you no longer wish to receive this mail, you can unsubscribe when you receive the next edition)
  • Your phone number : To provide you with urgent information such as a teacher absence.

Prolingua Language Centre SA undertakes to use the information gathered solely to provide you with the best possible service. This information will not be disclosed or sold to third parties.

If you wish to check the accuracy of your information or if you want your study history at our language center to be permanently deleted, please send an e-mail to: (Please also provide us with a telephone number so we can contact you.)

One of our employees will call you as soon as possible and ask you to identify yourself either by giving your date of birth, courses which you have taken or other personal information. Once your identity has been confirmed, we will be able to verify, modify or delete information, partially or totally.

Regarding online registrations and payments:

Your online payment is processed by our partner Six Payment Services. The only information we retain from this transaction is the transaction number (PLW or PSS 00000) and the amount which has been paid.

We thank you for your loyalty and trust.

The management team

Prolingua Language Centre S.A. Sprooche léieren. Sprooche liewen.
45a, Avenue Monterey L-2163 Luxembourg Mo-Fri: 08:30 – 18:30 (17:00 on Fridays) We: closed from 12:30 to 13:30
+352 40 39 91-0