
Special offers and discounts

Luxembourgish courses

Luxembourgish language course under the
provisions of the law of 8 March 2017 on nationality under the reference SFA/AGRF/35

Following the accreditation of Luxembourgish language course programs under the provisions of the law
of 8 March 2017 on nationality under the reference SFA/AGRF/35, Prolingua offers course packages to meet the prerequisites.
1. Group courses (intensive or term courses) : 745€ TTC
2. After lunch : 46x 45 mn (34.5 hours) : 2300€ TTC (please note that this price is subject to conditions: Fixed and
unchangeable schedules, purchase of material is mandatory)
3. Tailor-made courses : 34h : 2650€ HT (material included and flexible schedules)
For more information, please contact us at: 


Prolingua Language Centre S.A. Sprooche léieren. Sprooche liewen.
45a, Avenue Monterey L-2163 Luxembourg Mo-Fri: 08:30 – 18:30 (17:00 on Fridays)
+352 40 39 91-0